Got a sun-filled home? These plants crave it!
Finding that perfect spot in your home for indoor plants can be fun but also challenging! One of the most common mistakes people make is placing them in a position with too much or insufficient light. Getting your plant light exposure right (among other things) will reward you with beautiful, healthy foliage.
The key is to observe the light conditions in your home and select plants that best fit these. If that space gets plenty of light and even some direct sun, there are plenty of green beauties to choose from.
Read on for some of our favorite houseplants that crave direct light.
African Milk Tree
The African Milk Tree (Euphorbia trigona) Tree is native to Central Africa. This rapid-growing plant looks like a cactus but is actually a succulent plant!
Plenty of bright, indirect light with a few hours of direct sunlight is ideal. An area that receives full sun is suitable if the summers are not consistently hot. In this instance, extra watering may be needed to offset the hot, bright sunlight.
Allow the top half of the soil to dry completely between thorough waterings. Reduce frequency as needed in winter or lower light conditions.

Bird of Paradise
Nothing says tropical more than the Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai or reginae)! Add one of these beauties to your plant collection, and you have an instant jungle!
Primarily bright, indirect light with a few hours of direct light is ideal.
Water thoroughly when the soil is about 50% to entirely dry. Avoid overwatering. Watering may be less frequent during winter months or in lower light.
Jade Plant
Crassula ovata, also known as the Jade Plant, is a succulent houseplant that adapts well to the warm, dry conditions found in most homes. They are also considered symbols of good luck!
This plant should receive at least 6 hours of bright light each day. Young plants should be kept in bright, indirect sunlight; large, well-established jade plants can handle more direct sunlight. Without full sun, they may become stunted and leggy.
Never let a jade plant dry out completely. Do not water too often, as this can cause root rot. Water when the top of the soil is just dry to the touch.
Snake Plant
Snake plants (Sansevieria) are known for their long, pointy spear or sword-shaped leaves and are one of the most popular and hardy houseplants.
According to the NASA Clean Air Study, the Snake Plant has excellent air-purifying qualities, removing four of the five commonly found toxins in our spaces.
Extremely forgiving and can adapt to most light conditions. These plants prefer primarily bright indirect light, with a few hours of direct light for optimal growth.
Water thoroughly when the soil is about 50% to entirely dry. Avoid overwatering. Watering may be less frequent during winter months or in lower light.

Yucca Plant
Yucca plants (Yucca gigantea) have spiky green leaves and look great as a focal point in a room. Striking and low maintenance – the perfect combo for a plant owner!
Primarily plenty of bright, indirect light with a few hours of direct light is ideal.
Water thoroughly when the soil is about 50% to entirely dry. Avoid overwatering at all costs. Watering may be less frequent during winter months or in lower light.
Ponytail Palm
This unusual and sassy-looking plant (also known as Beaucarnea recurvata) is notable for its plump, swollen stem (called a caudex) topped by a bundle of flowing, slender, and often curly leaves.
Primarily plenty of bright, indirect light with a few hours of direct light is ideal.
Water thoroughly when the soil is about 50% to entirely dry. Avoid overwatering at all costs. Watering may be less frequent during winter months or in lower light.

Discover sun-loving options with Our Top Picks for a Stunning Full-Sun Plant Cluster. For outdoor inspiration, check out 7 Design Ideas for Small Outdoor Spaces. Explore seasonal care tips with Steps to Happier Houseplants This Spring. Check out our list of The 20 Best Cactus Plants.