Abundant pendulous strap-like foliage of a Dragon Tree.

Dragon Tree- Dracaena marginate

Dragon Tree- Dracaena marginate

With its long, slender green leaves edged with red accents, the eye-catching Dracaena marginata, commonly known as the Dragon Tree, is the perfect combination of beauty and hardiness. This popular indoor plant is great for beginners due to its drought-tolerant nature and no-fuss light requirements. Known for its resilience, the Dragon Tree was featured in NASA’s famous Clean Air Study for its ability to help remove formaldehyde from indoor air.

Green spiky leaves of Dragon Tree with red edges

General Care

Prefers bright, indirect light. Keep your plant out of direct sunlight, as this can burn the leaves.

Water thoroughly with distilled water and wait until the top half of the soil is completely dry before watering again.

Thrives in mid to high humidity levels.

Use a good quality potting mix in your garden pots.

Full, abundant growth of Dracaena marginata with spiky foliage

Common Problems

Dracaenas are tough plants but can be susceptible to spider mites and occasionally mealybugs. To get rid of these pests, regularly wash your plants with a hose.

Symptoms and Causes:

  • Yellowing lower leaves: This is usually a sign that the plant needs more water.
  • Browning leaf tips: Often caused by too much fluoride or other salts in the water. Switching to distilled water can help resolve this issue.


While Dracaena marginata is harmless to humans when ingested, it is extremely toxic to pets. If you have curious pets, choose a different plant or keep this plant out of their reach.

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